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Digital Services for Artists

Even the most talented artists, oftentimes, hate the self-promotion aspect of being a professional artist.

It just feels inauthentic. We are here to support you!

From video edits to graphic design,

and from web design to events. 


bastattoo vlist (12)

BAStattoo & GALLERYart caffe, placed in Cluj Napoca, has been inspired by the Buddhist temples, prevailing in luxurious details. Bodacious elements like the golden-wooden gramophone, the old yet preserved mirror, the dominance of dark-wood in royal furniture enhance the vintage vibe encased in the coffee shop. The selection of Tibetan paintings and Buddhist statues goes perfectly with the luxurious decor of the coffee shop which can be easily mistaken for an Asian palace or a Royal temple. The soft light brings in harmony due to the colors displayed in a warm pallete, golden details intertwining with the red walls, curtains and the seated place.

For more details about the tattoo salon check the following link.

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bastattoo vlist (19)

bastattoo vlist (15)

Adress: str. C-tin Brancusi nr 114 400458 Cluj-Napoca

Phone: 0740 514 646



Text: Diana Slabinschi

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