Realistic Trash Polka is a tattoo style that is run by the two tattooists Simone Pfaff and Volker Merschky in Würzburg. The tattoo style was both tattoo artists gradually developed since 2000 in their Buena Vista Tattoo Club and “Realistic Trash Polka” called. He is regarded as “highly innovative and technically perfect”. The style largely dispensed with classic tattoo designs and representations. It will be used for the tattoo scene and unusual motifs associated with some style similar to the painting styles. The Realistic Trash Polka-style has become internationally known and has already been copied and imitated by other tattooists. Characteristic for the Realistic Trash Polka-style tattoos, which are a combination of naturalistic and photo-realistic motifs with graphic elements. Photo-realistic portraits in a detailed presentation will also, in conjunction with simple graphical elements such as some large black areas, strokes, or shown abstract forms. The tattoos are often black and gray and red maintained, including through other paints. It is in this case, however, often placed on the use of well-known in the art of color contrasts, such as a complementary contrast to generate a specific optical effect.