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    Tattoer at Holdfast Tattoo in Perth, Australia, he is tattoing since 2012. His style s mostly old-school, with realistic and dotwork elements. CHRIS RIGONI Perth, Australia Chris Rigoni Facebook Page Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #CHRISRIGONI #tattooartist

  • L7M

    L7M was born in the countryside of São Paulo, in 1988, and since very early he started his relationship with art. In his childhood, he had participated of many contests and had also won many cultural awards. When 13 years old he had his first contact with the spray, which opened his eyes for new tecniques and consequently new experiences and mixtures with china ink, latex, pastel and acrylic. Everything generates the chaos, since the mixture of outlooks and feelings to the materials and medias utilized. The revolt by the human sorrow, the beauty of life, the city’s disarray, the neglect and the surroundings, all this things transposed and influencing the works of this artist, who evolved with all his feelings focused in the street art. L7M, how he’s known, is identified by the simplicity of colors and free geometry relacionated to several issues, causing contradictories and unconfortable feelings in the observers. This is his purpose: bother and inquire by traces and colors reverted in imagistic feelings. Surely his purpose. Actually, L7M is dedicated to independent work in advertising agencies, exhibitions and workshops at enterprises, cultural centers and schools, conciliating with the urban art freely practiced. #l7m #streetart


    Tattoo artist at “Tattooligans” tattoo shop in Greece, his work is realistic in both black&white or colour designs. He continuously evolve his style and tehnique, and undertakes only those that strictly belong to the design style that he is making, as this gives the maximum of attention to every design so that the optimum result is achieved. AGGELOS NAST Thessaloniki, Greece Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #AGGELOSNAST #tattooartist


    Pascal Scaillet does dotwork since 1998 and is one of the best abstract tattooer out there. His work is primarly done with red and black ink and he makes great use of ngative space, wich make his designs very impressive and the best in new-school tattoing. L’ART DU POINT / Pascal Scaillet Sky Brussels, Belgium  L’Art Du Point Facebook Phone: +32 475 44 65 90 Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #LARTDUPOINT #PascalScaillet #tattooartist

  • KOFI

    Kofi Olive is a French alternative artist, tattoist and painter. All of his designs are unique and created by him, as he stated that based on what people tell him, he tries to invent a pipcture close to the spirit of a person, it’s a unique creation and a very peronal one too. He is influenced and inspired by artists such as Picasso, Jean Michel Basquiat, and tattoist such as Xoil, who thaught him de art of tattoueur and Belly Button. He often uses geometrical objects in his designs as he finds them aesthetically pleasing, and transform his vision of a thing into a more abstract possibility. “Kofi” (Thonon, Stasbourg) Contact 0663041823 Website: Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #KOFI #tattooartist


    Aurelio, is a new tattoo artist at “Belly Button Tattoo Shop”. His work is mostly black and grey with just a hint of colour, as he is clearly inspired by Tim Burton in his doodle-like designs. Aurelio sometimes includes in his work some watercolouring or splatter tehniques that give each piece an amazing finish. Text: Patricia Pitner #aurelio #BellyButton #tattooartist

  • SAKE

    Sake was born in Athens in 79′ but start breathing in 94′ when he entered the world of art through graffiti. In 2001 he started tattooing by luck, something that changed his life. In 2005 he established saketattoo. Now with a crew of 10 people, he stands strong in the global tattoo community, making the difference with his skills in realistic portraits and his graphic backgrounds. You can find him in international tattoo conventions and magazines… or burning walls with his graffiti crew, the Till Death Squad… SAKE Athens, Greece Phone: +30 210 681 4 681 Email: #sake #tattooartist #tilldeathsquad

  • JR

    As a French street artist working in Paris, JR began covering buildings with his photography in 2001. Since then, the Inside Out project has allowed others to join the artist on his efforts by providing printed photographs to anyone who submits their portraits—ready to be pasted in cities around the world. In 2011, a Native American Lakota tribe organized a group action on their reservation in North Dakota with the Inside Out project. Over the past year, JR has been pasting the tribe’s photos around New York City to help share their story. This large scale eye watchfully gazes down at pedestrians on the street, crossing the bridge, and even across the river in Manhattan while blending in with the city’s architecture. [youlist vid=”wgQIv2H_8lg”] LINKS:


    He is one of the 4 artist curently working at Belly Button tattoo shop in France. His work is mostly watercolour / brushstroke looking but he also does a lot of doodle looking tattoo work, sometimes combining the two tehniques into one spectacular piece. Perpignan, France / Traveling Belly Button Facebook Phone: +336 63-04-18-23 Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #BellyButton #fabienbatista #tattooartist


    Kenji’s work merges various aspects of fractal art, tribal and geometric elements with dotwork. His dotwork tehnique is called “stippling”, a tehnique that requires that he slow down and carefully plan the spacing of each dot to create clean gradients. He is inspired by tribalism, black ink work, geometric elements, visual effects, fractal and minimalist art. New York, Japan / Traveling Kenji Alucky Facebook Email: By Appointment Only Text: Patricia Pitner #kenjialucky #tattooartist

  • Mike Giant

    “New York has seen its share of giants. For most people, Mike is just another one. But for fans of cholo-style graffiti and tattoo inspired art, he is a giant among men. That’s why it was cause for a celebration to see this skate boarding, fixie tricking, graffiti painting, grandpa hipster in suspenders hitting up a fresh white wall with some juicy markers last week under the Manhattan Bridge.” #mikegiant #streetart


    MARCIN SUROWIEC, tattoo artist Warsaw, Poland Marcin Aleksander Surowiec is a tattoo artist based in Warsaw, Poland. He does amazing abstract, geometric, neotraditional and black & grey work, as he is known for his versatility in different tattoo styles. His work is known to be unusual as he explores different tattoing methods and styles in his pieces. Marcin Surowiec Facebook Page Text: Patricia Pitner #MARCINSUROWIEC #tattooartist

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