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James splits his time between Memoir Tattoo in L.A. and Good Time Charlie’s Tattooland in Anaheim, Ca. The Californian artist specialises in black & grey tattoos only, and for good reason, he’s very good at it. His designs are realisticly done, with flawless shadows and clarity. James Spencer Briggs http://www.jamesspencerbriggs.com/tattoos.html . #JAMESSPENCERBRIGGS #tattooartist
Born in Uruguay, he lived in Spain a long time and moved to Kracow, Poland as of recent. He’s been a tattooer for 12 years, and entered this world due to the multiple tattoos owned by his favorite singer. He began researching and built his own tattooing machine practicing on his friends and never really had any professional training, but a lot of passion and talent which he cultivated by exercising and researching. His work is known troughout the world due to the very realist touch, accuracy and clarity of his designs. His style is more dark bio-mechanical with surreal accents, although he is inclined to try out different styles. Victor Portugal 9th Circle, Kracow, Poland. http://www.victorportugal.com/ #tattooartist #VICTORPORTUGAL
Xoil or Loic, on his real name is the owner of Needles Side from Thonon les Bains, France. His tattoo designs are incredible, combining a lot of ideas and tehniques that make for every design a piece de resistance. Every last one of his tatto designs are completly original, because Xoil manages to create a unique deisgn for each and every one of his customers based on the idea that he is given. He is one of the few artist that can manage to permanently surprise and diversify his work. For more photos, check the gallery below. Xoil – Needle Side 13 Avenue des Allobroges, 74200 Thonon-les-Bains, France. xoilloic.faitdestatouages@gmail.com #tattooartist #XOIL
Ondrash tattoo is a custom tattoo shop with over 10 years experience. ”I am adhere to the strictest standards of safety and sterile procedures.I like to do custom and original designs, enjoying more color work. For anyone who wants to make an appointment with me contact me via email please! konupcik.ondrej@gmail.com) regards Ondrash” Kollarova 338/7 Znojmo, Czech Republic Websitehttp://www.ondrash.com http://www.zkruhu.cz #ONDRASH #tattooartist #watercolor
Peter Aurisch is a tattoo artist living in Berlin, Germany, whose feature is attracting attention on the web. Illustrator full hand, the artist creates in the skin of some people more daring designs with a touch surreal. Crowded, the artist has a busy schedule – who would like to make a simple query may have to wait more than three months. http://peteraurisch.com/ #PETERAURISCH #tattooartist
Industrial Tattoo represents creativity and dedication in the art of tattoing with more than 12 years in the field. They aproach the tattoo scene with a desire to change ideologies and to break the barier of humdrum designs, as the artists from Industrial Tattoo stated “In every piece of wood there is a shape that awaits descovery, and so in every one of us there is an artwork awaiting to be descovered by the rght artist.” making the saloon a great choice for anybody. For more photos, check the gallery below. Industrial Tattoo str. Ion Brezoianu 44, Bucuresti tel: 0727 541 986 www.industrialtattoo.ro #INDUSTRIALTATTOO #MACHINAELECTRICA #TATTOOSALON
Specializes In: Traditional Tribal, Portraits, Hand Poked Tattoos Cory specializes mostly in “Blackwork” – a unique blend of polynesian tribal, geometrics, repetitive patterns, henna and Asian influenced art. He also does the occasional portrait and enjoys large scale Japanese tattoos as well. #CORYFERGUSON #tattooartist