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Timur Lysenko Located: Katowice & Wroclaw Tattoo booking via email timurlysenkotattoo@gmail.com
- Sandrine Torredemer
la filature Originally from Perpignan, Sandrine Torredemer knows the sea, the Mediterranean, very well, and she loves it especially in summer, when the holidaymakers arrive to plant their colored parasols on the beaches of this vermilion coast that goes from Argelès to the Spanish border. She loves above all this overheated, joyful and relaxed, light and carefree atmosphere: the great vacations! The exhibition presents a series of about twenty works, nostalgic fragments of the past summer, or rather promises of this sunny season that in winter we already expect. No definition fits Sandrine's work, "impressionist illustration composed of fabric assembly enhanced with embroidery" ? too long and above all incomplete. What Sandrine creates is unique, completely free and singular. Of raw and modest appearance, each scene, like a symphony, is cut into plans which have their own score and their own melody, and which add to each other with a perfect harmony. From her small pieces of fabric meticulously gleaned, cut and assembled, a piece of organza for the sea, a piece of hospital charlotte for the foam, emerge scenes where life settles: of an exquisite fragile beauty, her tiny characters embroidered very simply but very precisely, bustle about, calling out to each other, coming and going with a bubbling vitality that always amazes. Even more than landscapes, Sandrine loves people, what she creates are snapshots of life, the atmosphere of crowded beaches in summer, a surfer with his mustard yellow board emerging from the waves, couples in love walking away on the beach almost melancholic... She not only gleans materials for her works, but also sentences, caught on the fly in cafes, transportation, work meetings, which she transcribes or diverts with a delicious sense of humor and parody. If her characters don't speak, Sandrine's embroidered sentences, with their mantra-like quality, more than make up for it, like a gouaille that we would gladly lend them. A few lines of biography : To create in such a personal and singular way, you have to be the result of a long process of personal and singular maturation. This is the case of Sandrine Torredemer, alias La filature. Embroidery is in the family's DNA, her great-grandmother already embroidered and Sandrine has been embroidering for almost as long as she can remember, at first in bits and pieces during stolen moments: for almost 30 years her job as a town planner engineer took up most of her time, embroidery was the breathing space she allowed herself in the evening, the thread that brought her back to her essence and comforted her during difficult moments. A few years ago, Sandrine became La Filature, she finally deploys the full scope of her talent. Freed from all academicism, she experiments, seeks, invents, and creates her own signature. From her initial training, she has kept the respect of the rigor of the compositions: in her embroidered scenes, the perspectives are exact, the scales are respected, the shadows too. This is undoubtedly what gives them so much truth. Added to this, of course, is Sandrine's fantasy, poetry, humor, elegance, and incredible creativity. In short, La Filature is an alchemy of life and this is what makes it unique. Follow la filature on Instagram
Muralist & Painter based in Barcelona. What inspires Marina is the beauty that doesn’t follow the usual aesthetic canons, as old people, timeless characters lost in a society that they are already beginning to struggle to understand. Her muse is her grandmother. What she wants to communicate with her artworks is the desire to reach old age with full vitality. The resources of exaggeration and irony are key points in her creations, as well as a powerful color chart combined with a soft shading. We can find her murals in places around the world as Florida, New York, California, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Croatia… She has exhibited her artworks in galleries in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Denver, New York, London, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid…
•Mare• •Spontaneous expression of human connection •On the road Follow MARE on Instagram
Tattoo artist from Kyiv, Ukraine Based in Dresden 🇩🇪 ▪️ @abstracteti ▪️ @teti_merch Instagram
LUGOSIS MILANO Booking: lugosis.5410@gmail.com
+ Modular Noise Pattern + Brutalism, techno, synesthesia Founder @___dadc___ Montmartre, Paris, France 75018 contact@delartouducochon.fr Follow Nikos on Instagram
Luciana Póvoa Brasília | Rio de Janeiro 🇧🇷 - Waiting list: 🇬🇧🇵🇹🇪🇸🇫🇷🇩🇪🇳🇱 - Lista de espera 🇧🇷: • BSB - SP - RJ wa.me/5561996601523 Follow NIKITAINK on Instagram
- Captain Cosmotic
Ansgar Termühlen fine arts // electronic music Follow Captain Cosmotic on Instagram
unkwnzj Art DIGITAL & MIXED-MEDIA ARTIST Just a girl that makes cool sh*t. www.unkwnzj.com/links-1 Follow UNKWNZJ on Instagram
- drezzdon
i loved every minute here with you. biz@drezzdon.com NYC Immersive Exhibition www.drezzdon.com
Rafael Sliks was a kid in the 80s, he loved comics, martial arts movies, skateboarding and graffiti. From the simple neighborhood of Bela Vista, in the central region of São Paulo, where he was born and raised, he looked at the vast world through a crack in the door of his house. From pixo to graffiti, from handstyle to tags, he arrived at the abstract essays that today mark his skills, “skills” that he uses with inverted writings led to his codename: Sliks. For him, writing is representing the spoken, the thought. “Handwriting”, poems and songs he mentally creates are reflected in his abstract ideas, tangible textures, imagined forms. At the heart of the work, representations of his poems, songs that mirror the chaos of big cities, charms of wild nature, pure expressions and at the same time loaded with layers of microorganisms, odors, colors, luminsescence. Sliks’ creative equation results from his constant journey in and out of himself. In the results, the constant research, the focused study of the history of art, experiences in his studio and on the streets of the world, the creation of a personal style, which adds Lascaux’s signs, oriental ideograms, Da Vinci’s secrets, Magrite’s daydreams, daring of Yves Klein. His work, in permanent catharsis, starts from the gesture, a great influence on graffiti, skateboarding and movements inspired by tao, oriental calligraphy and keeps abstractionism as a password, with continuous rhythm and essential look. Heir to abstract expressionism, to the automatic writing of the surrealists, his art recovers childhood scribbles, bringing to the surface his universe of quick gestures and flashes of furtive action. His subtle figure, dressed in mystery, distributes abstractions and freehand writing through the streets and alleys, between textures and obstacles, an art that inspires, that seduces by lightness and enriches his fate as a contemporary urban visual artist. Follow RAFAEL SLIKS on Instagram