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  • Wes21

    Swiss artist  Remo Lienhard  (aka Wes21) has an imagination to kill for. His acrylic and spray paint works are explosively detailed and often depict a sort of dystopian fusion of people and the natural world. Though despite the grittiness and abundance of detail found in each of his works it’s clear he also possesses a keen sense of humor. Lienhard belongs to a collective of graffiti artists and illustrators called  Schwarzmaler  where you can find much more of his street art  and  other works . Also don’t miss him over on  Facebook . (via  street art utopia which has a killer roundup of  street art  this month) #streetart #wes21


    Her desins are clearly inspired by paintings. Her abstract and conceptual tattoos are as close as you can get to having fine art painted on yourself. Amanda’s really clean work is very eyecatching as well as her bloodline tattoos wich are incredibly unique. Her bloodline designs are based on her fascination with symbols and ideograms, simple graphic images that contain mutifarious meaning. AMANDA WACHOB New York, USA Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #AMANDAWACHOB #tattooartist #watercolor


    Budapes based artist, his style goes from sketchy to realism, with beautiful use of colour to make the minimalistic designs more fluid. He’s also doing body modifications and scarifications, and trying to evolve his tehniques, develop them to make his work better and meet every customer’need. GABOR ZAGYVAI Budapest, Hungary Phone  +36 30 34179 15 Email Text: Patricia Pitner #GABORZAGYVAI #tattooartist

  • MadC

    MadC painted her first piece in 1996. However, she didn’t start painting seriously and constantly until 1998. MadC is based in Germany but travelled the globe her whole life, leaving her mark wherever she went. From the very beginning she was in love with concept walls and constantly pushed her technique. Her most famous wall project yet is the so called 700Wall – a wall nearly 700 square meter big that she painted all by herself throughout the year 2010. The wall was a mile stone in graffiti history, not just for its size, but also for the idea behind it. On this wall, MadC told the story of a graffiti writer in various scenes and painted her name more than 100 times in diverse interpretations. MadC’s major interest lies in letters and fonts. For her canvases she is transferring her philosophy of connecting single parts to one piece – background, foreground, lines and shapes. To create those works, MadC is using spray paint, transparent spray paint, ink, watercolour, acrylic paint and acrylic markers. She is painting on canvas as well as carton from spray paint boxes. MadC‘s passion for fonts and street art is also visible in her published work. In 2011, her second book „Street Fonts“ was published by Thames & Hudson and various other publishers worldwide. The book shows over 150 alphabets by graffiti and street artists form around the globe. Since 1996, when MadC painted her first wall, she was invited and has visited more than 35 countries including Sweden, France, USA, United Kingdom, Lebanon, South Africa, Bolivia, Hawaii, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, Norway, Poland, Russia and many more. She is a member of the Bandits crew (GER/F) since 2001, part of the Wallnuts crew (USA) since 2007 and member of SUK (planet earth) since 2009. #MadC #streetart


    Well, the name clearly says it all. Dotwork Damian’s work is based entirely on dotwork and dotwork realism. He is inspired by gemetry, architecture, nature and other creative people. DOTWORK DAMIAN Hampshire, England Dotwork Damian Facebook Instagram  @dotwork_damian Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #DOTWORKDAMIAN #tattooartist

  • Seth Globepainter

    French street artist Seth Globepainter travels around the world, creating large scale murals and placing local city dwellers next to them. Whether in India, China, Mexico, or other countries, this adds a human element to Globepainter’s artwork and gives us a peek inside the culture of these places. Especially impressive is how all of his pieces feel distinctly different, further showcasing the street artist’s impressive range and style. #SethGlobepainter #streetart


    Her style is a combination of graphic design and watercoloring; somewhat sketchy but very soft due to the multitude of colours she is using. Petra’s designs are clearly unique and very inspired, some of the more realist designs it seems by Tim Burton. PETRA HÁ HLAVÁČKOVÁ  Prague, Czech Republic Petra Há Facebook Page Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #PETRAHÁHLAVÁČKOVÁ #tattooartist


    Lionel’s minimalist, almost childlike designs have been recieved with either admiration or revulsion. Doing that regular kind of tattoing didn’t inspire him, and stated that it all depends on your state of mind when and how you do your designs, he, as a happy person creates colorfull and ‘happy’ designs. Also he spends a lot of time with his 4 children, and are a big inspiration, as well as the illustration in some of the kids books he reads to them. LIONEL FAHY France // Traveling Lionel Fahy Facebook Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #LIONELFAHY #tattooartist


    Jodic Chan’s inspiration comes from other people, as she incorporates the inspirations and needs from her clients in her designs. Her designs are somehow sketchy, with brushstrokes, but Jodic emphasises on details, making the design really pop and be unique. Jodic also does calligraphy and photography, her tattoo designs being immortalised trough potography. JODIC CHAN Hong Kong, China Torrential Ink Facebook Phone: +852 3485 9466 Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #JODICCHAN #tattooartist


    Marynn, 21 years old., a french illustrator and master’s student in graphic design at ECV school in Nantes, France. She started illustration in 2010. Her work is inspired by everything, the people around her, song lyrics, personal stories, feelings, anything that can carry a message. In her illustrations she uses several photographs to catch the precious side of realism. Marynn’s weapons are her 2B pencil and a cup of patience. #marynn #streetart


    Delphine Noiztoy owns the The Lacemakers Sweatshop, a steampunk-inspired tattoo studio in London. Her portofolio is particulary interesting, as she brings a unique perspective to the tattoo genre by using not onlythe stippling effect for fluid tattoo designs, but also she is able to use only dots to shape realism, that turns every design into an amazing one. DELPHINE NOIZTOY London, England / Traveling Delphine Noiztoy Facebook Phone: +44 20 7502 7736 Email: Text: Patricia Pitner #DELPHINENOIZTOY #tattooartist


    CHAIM MACHLEV Berlin, Germany / Traveling Dots To Lines Facebook Email: Chaim’s line art is very organic, rhythmic and harmonious on the body, as you can see in his designs. He started tattooing only in 2012, and stated that he got into tattooing because of his first tattoo, done by Avi Vanunu, because it was the strongest impact on hs life, as he found the tattooing procedure a very spiritual and life changing one. His style is split betwen very minimalistic lines and very detailed mandalas, most of it being freehand. He stated that “Most of the lines are designed, and the process of designing is sometimes longer than the tattooing process itself. Our bodies are not symmetric, and to try to put a symmetric design on a non-symmetric object most of the time ends with it looking like a sticker.” He also experiments a lot, to develop his own style and to create something individual daily. “I use black as the main color for my tattoos simply because I think that it is the only color that will look timeless on a timeless design. I also think that it looks good on our bodies, more than any other color. I do use red sometimes, but it is very rare.” #CHAIMMACHLEV #tattooartist

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