I had the pleasure of being tattooed by this awesome lady more than once, and what I really love about her (besides that fact that she’s an amazing human being) is that she always takes into consideration the movement of the body, your anatomy, the placement of the tattoo and everything in between. She does not consider her clients as just human canvases to put her work on, but tries to make so that the design emphasises your body, and vice-versa. After all the talks we had during the tattooing sessions, I thought that I’d write some things down and share with you a little interview with her.

1. Where are you tattooing at the moment?
Mostly Cluj, traveling on a constant base to Dijon (MU Body Arts) and guest spots from time to time.
2. How long have you been doing this?
Almost 7 years
3. How did you end up being a tattooist?
Well, I got my first tattoo when I was 13/14 and from that point on you can mostly imagine how things went.
4. Preferred style to tattoo. / How would you describe your tattooing style?
Hmm. Good question! I would say that my style can oscillate from vibrant colours to dark engraving / powerful blackwork and, of course, traditional, which I do from time to time. So with all of this mash-up in my mind I would name my style RainbowBlackCore.
5. Least favorite thing/ style to tattoo.
Photorealism/Portraits – just not my thing.
6. What’s the one thing you really want to tattoo but haven’t yet?
Full torso tattoo, a rainbow demon.
7. Favorite tattoo artist.
Too many to put them on a list hmm… Jeff Gogue, Alexander Grimm, Lehel Nyeste, Gakkin, Russ Abbott, etc.
8. Who would you like to get tattooed by?
All of the above.
9. What’s the best tattoo aftercare in your opinion?
I’d say it depends from country to country because of the weather, humidity, etc. I use Bepanthen since forever. We have a love/hate relationship.
10. The most painfull place to get a tattoo.
Interior biceps and the KNEE! (for me). People usually point out the ribs, neck for the brave ones.